miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2011

Just in another dream,Part III

It’s raining, again, waves of water falling down, rolling down,
The earth wide open the arms to welcome each single heavy drop,
I will tell you an oldest platitude: the sky it’s crying all the tears,
We cannot cry , no more, covered in our shells , like white statues
We can cry only when it’s raining, with stolen tears, like villains,
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies, like in the song, I need to believe,
To stay alive, to keep the light on, what can we become without?
I wake up with night well stiffed in my eyes, not even the shyest star
Nor the moon, shines above all this darkness that I'm in ,stuck,
Prisoner in my own mind, wandering along the paths of the labyrinth,
Smashed between high undulatory walls of thoughts, yelling to you
Words without sound that reached you like stones, smites your walls,
Leaves deep scrapes on your cold marble skin...I do really harm you
I see droplets of blood pouring from your stony eyes, tricking down,
Gathering in my hand, in a shape of a heart, vanishing, just an illusion,
We do not have a heart, remember, we do not have, we are statues
On the alley of life, between dark green bushes in flowers and birds,
One on a part, one to another, looking at each other with marble eyes,
With a contemptuous smile in the corner of the obdurate mouths
Defying each other in silence: who's the winner, who's the tough one?
Suddenly I shake up and open my eyes...in the heart of this night
I found myself deep dived in another dream, at critical depth that
Made all seems more real than it is...and I asked myself, no one,
No one ever told you that the water falls, full of patience, and gnaws,
Day after day, even the toughest stone became sand, dust, it's lost?
Wake up and shake all these rotten cases, stay naked in the sun,
Re-discover yourself, re-built but starting from the smaller cell,
Give yourself another chance...embrace the truth, the beauty
That's around us and the light...don't be scared to live! The key,
Is always inside ourselves, we are the answers of all the questions
Ever made...don't be afraid to look into your inner mirror it's time
It's time to live, it's time to die, no more lies, be brave and honest
Decide to live! Break down the marble, walk, open your wings and fly!

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